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One account on Calamari Network can be

  • A delegator
  • A collator candidate
  • Not participating in staking

Different rules apply for each and collator and delegator roles are mutually exclusive. To switch between the two, you need to leave the current role by unbonding all your KMA and then re-bond as the other role.

For Delegators​

  • Minimum delegation amount - 5_000 KMA.
  • Maximum delegators eligible for rewards per collator - 100.
    • If more a collator has >100 delegators, the minimum delegation amount to receive rewards will be larger than above 5_000 depending on the other delegator's stakes. Check the minimum reported by the delegation dApp for the current amount
  • Removing or Reducing a delegation is subject to a 7 day waiting period
  • APY per delegated KMA decreases when total KMA staked on a collator increases ( your KMA is buying a smaller share of a larger pot )
  • You will not earn rewards if your chosen collator drops out of the top 63
  • You will not earn rewards if your delegation falls out of the top 100 on its collator
  • You may delegate to more than one collator should you choose to
  • Rewards are calculated in 6 hour intervals called rounds
  • Rewards are automatically paid to the account of a delegator 2 rounds after they have been accrued.
  • Rewards are not compounded.
  • Every manta account can delegate to up to 25 collators
  • There is (currently) no slashing risk.

For Collators​

  • Minimum KMA bond to join the collation candidate set - 4_000_000 KMA
  • Maximum number of active collators eligible for rewards - 63
    • This collator rank is calculated as the total sum of KMA staked on the collator ( i.e. the sum of collator bond and all delegations )
  • Maximum number of active delegations (contributing to total stake) on each collator - 100
  • Rewards are calculated in 6 hour intervals called rounds
  • Rewards are automatically paid to the account of a collator 2 rounds after they have been accrued.
  • Rewards are not compounded.
  • Removing or Reducing the candidate bond is subject to a 7 day waiting period
  • Reducing the candidate bond below the 4_000_000 KMA minimum is not possible ( except by removing )
  • There is (currently) no slashing if your collator misses a block, but your delegators won't like their missing rewards.